Training courses delivered by Social Development Consulting UK
The following courses have been run successfully by SDC UK in a variety of locations. Training course content has been developed from need, experience and improved by user feedback. Needs will differ according to the experience of the trainees and the priorities and future strategies of the NGO. Training courses will then be developed accordingly. They may be short refresher trainings, or longer and more comprehensive courses. They may be entirely office based or a combination of office and field. They are as realistic as possible, often examining an existing programme or working on the company's own accounts. They may be one-off trainings or can be part of a more thorough process of organisational capacity building. Examples are shown below.
By the end of each course all participants will have improved skills, knowledge and competence and acquire the confidence to apply their learning in the workplace.
Introducing Accounting
Aimed at those who would like to understand the world of double entry book-keeping, trial balances, general and nominal ledgers, cash flow, income and expenditure and the balance sheet and of course the language of accounting!
Financial Management
This course will help you understand different dimensional debit-credit, cash and accrual accounts, statements of account, bank reconciliation and banking transactions, how to manage short and long term cash and bank flows, financial forecasting, expenses/budget analysis, virement, valuation of donations in kind, receivables/payables, break-even point, charts and graphs, and preparing final accounts including the annual and time bound balance sheet.
This course explores the whole range of budgeting techniques from budgeting principles to static, zero and flexible budgeting. It stresses the differences in style and technique between operational and capital budgeting and of course the language of budgeting!
Fixed Asset Management
Understanding asset inventory and reconciliation to fixed assets ledger. The course stresses the implementation of assets tracking, location, quantity, condition, maintenance, depreciation, numbering, valuation and disposal.
Project Cycle Management
Planning for Success. A three to five day course on project planning using the logical framework analysis. Logical framework analysis (LFA) is a very popular planning tool. It is used by many multilateral and bilateral aid agencies and by many NGOs. Sometimes called the logical framework approach, its design allows it to be used across a range of levels, from small independent projects to wide-ranging and complex integrated development programmes.
Gendering the log frame
This course provides an in-depth analysis of the principles of gender sensitivity and awareness and turns the log frame into a tool for gender mainstreaming. Gendering the logical framework is about identifying and mainstreaming gender issues into the planning, monitoring, and evaluation of research and development projects. The conventional use of the log frame warrants critique because it has often been gender blind with insufficient attention paid to the nature of the process behind its preparation and use. This training can be integrated into the more standard PCM training course or delivered separately, or as part of a longer term capacity building programme.
Monitoring and Evaluation
Principles and tools of Participatory Assessment, Monitoring and Evaluation (PAME). Monitoring and Evaluation is an essential element of Project Cycle Management. The course structure is dependent on organisational need. It can be run from three to five days and can include field based practical exercises, using the organisation's own projects as its learning base.
Children's Participation
This course uses the 7 Standards developed by Save the Children. It is designed for and will appeal to practitioners and managers of development programmes who wish to know how children can participate meaningfully in the work that is done with them, for them, and in their name.
This course examines why and how to encourage and facilitate child participation. It looks at theory and considers the advantages and disadvantages of different tools in different settings.
Child Protection / Keeping Children Safe / Safeguarding
An understanding of the principles of Child Protection, and knowledge of the policies and systems that support them, is a basic requirement of organisations that work with or have access to vulnerable children. At the institutional level, child protection is understood as a respect for the Child Protection Policy or Policy for the Prevention of abuse within institutions. Typically, an NGO will have both a child protection policy and a code of conduct, as well as a safeguarding policy, all supported by training and up to date policies.
Child Safeguarding training addresses issues of protection and keeping children safe from harm. It’s about promoting their health and welfare and helping them to grow up in a safe and supportive environment and to ensure that organisations working with children, or those who come into contact with children, provide an informed, aware and safe and supportive environment. SDC UK offers training to designated child protection / safeguarding focal points to providethem with the knowledge and skills required of Child Safeguarding Focal Points in order that they may support their organisations to implement Child Safeguarding policies and protocols.
With CEO experience in the UK and Bangladesh, and Country Director experience in Bangladesh, India, Israel/ Palestine, Sri Lanka, South Sudan and Uganda, SDC UK can provide senior professional short to medium term cover at times of organisational stress. Speak to us about how we can help with organisational leadership, management and change, policy development, strategic planning, human resource management, programme development and financial management.
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